The Mugshot We Deserved to See
If you or I or any of our friends were made to be fingerprinted and have our criminal mugshot taken,
it would not have been a nice portrait. But Rep. Tom DeLay, indicted for money laundering, was not subject to what your average citizen would have experienced if they were indicted for the same crime. Instead, DeLay's mugshot looks more like a campaign photo. (The original mugshot is the color image on the right)

Through the magic of editing, seen below is the mugshot of Tom DeLay that America deserved to see. Even if he is found innocent in a court of law, he is still guilty of questionable practices and dealings, as evidenced by his THREE Ethics Violations, for which he was unanimously reprimanded by the bipartisan House Ethics Committee. Click on the image for a larger, Post Office Mugshot Gallery version, suitable for framing.