The Downing Street Memo Hearing

From The
...Sean McLaughlin, deputy chief of staff for James Sensenbrenner, (chairman of the Judiciary Committee) recently wrote to a minority staffer in more pointed language.
"I’m sitting here watching your 'forum' on C-SPAN," McLaughlin wrote. "Just to let you know, it was your last. Don’t bother asking [for a room] again."
Testimony at the hearing today was given by former Ambassador Joe Wilson; WoMD expert Ray McGovern, a 27-year CIA analyst who used to do daily briefings for former President Ronald Reagan; Cindy Sheehan, president of Gold Star Mothers for Peace, who lost her son in Iraq; and John Bonifaz, a Constitutional lawyer out of Boston. The hearing was shown live on C-SPAN 3 today, and will be rebroadcast at 8pm ET on C-SPAN 2 tomorrow, Friday June 17. The reairing can be seen on TV or via streaming video on C-SPAN's website.
As was expected, the MSM (mainstream media) has once again dropped the ball and ignored the story. Instead, it focused on a relatively minor (magnitude 5.2) earthquake in California, where there was no real damage nor loss of life. Predictably, when the Michael Jackson case was resolved, the MSM jumped on the next 'celebrity' story and focused all their attention yesterday on the autopsy report of the unfortunate Terry Schaivo. There are plenty of stories to cover, yet the MSM ignores the important ones. Plenty of news cameras were in attendance today to cover the Conyer's hearing, yet so far, none of the network news outlets have chosen to air the story. I'm not holding my breath, but ABC's Nightline crew was purported to have been present, so they may still air a blurb on the story.
At the conclusion of today's meeting, Rep. Conyers walked over to the White House and hand-delivered a letter, signed by 105 members of Congress and over 540,000 concerned Americans, asking the president to respond to the allegations in the Downing Street Memo. Conyers' previous letter, signed by himself and 88 other members of Congress, went ignored by the White House. So far, no news coverage of this either, with the exception of a small Associated Press piece.
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